Conduction of Heat

The Problem

In this article we will try to simulate the conduction of heat across a square material plate and visualize the temperature of the material at various points in time.

The Physics of it: The Heat Equation

From a basic standpoint, the flow of heat is proportional to the difference of temperature across a material. That is to say, when two thin slices of a material are in close contact, the higher the difference in temperature, the more heat flows between them. This idea is simply expressed in by a vector equation as follows, where \( \vec{h} \) indicates vector of flow of heat, \( \nabla \) stands for the gradient and \( T \) stands for the temperature. $$ \vec{h} = -k \nabla T $$ The quantity \( k \) is called the Thermal Conductivity of the material in question. It measures the amount of heat through by a unit length material when the temperature difference is also one unit. This can be realised if we use the above equation in one dimension then \( h = -k \frac{\Delta T}{\Delta x} \). Substituting \( \frac{\Delta T}{\Delta x} = 1 \implies h = -k \). The minus sign indicates that the heat flow is towards the lesser temperature. The vector \( \vec{h} \) indicates the flow of heat, that is the rate of heat that flows across a slice of material per unit time. If some amount of heat is abosrbed by the material, then it's temperature increases by a proportional amount. This can be represented by a similar linear equation relating the divergence of heat flow to the rate of change of temperature. $$ \nabla \cdot \vec{h} = - C \frac{\partial T} {\partial t} $$ Here \( C \) is a material dependent quantity called as the Heat Capacity. But without making things too complex, we will assume both \( C \) and \( k \) to be relatively constant during this simulation, since we are more interested in seeing the tempaerature of the material change. $$ \begin{align*} \nabla \cdot ( \vec{h} ) &= \nabla \cdot ( -k \nabla T ) \\ \implies \nabla \cdot \vec{h} &= -k \nabla \cdot ( \nabla T ) \\ \implies \nabla \cdot \vec{h} &= -k \nabla^2 T \\ \implies - C \frac{\partial T} {\partial t} &= -k \nabla^2 T \\ \implies \frac{\partial T} {\partial t} &= \frac{k}{C} \nabla^2 T \\ \end{align*} $$ This is the equation for temperature that we will use. It relates the space derivates of temperature to it's time derivate. That is, knowing the temerature in the whole of space (in our case, x & y directions) allows us to calculate its space derivative, filling in the right hand side of the above equation, giving us the change of temperature in a unit time. So knowing the temperature at all the points in space allows us to calculate what it will be at a later point in time.

The Maths of it: Numerically solving the system

The first step is to create a three dimensional system, two dimensions of space with one time. This is our temperature field \( T(t, x, y) \). We calculate the derivatives as follows: $$ \frac{ \partial T(t, x, y)} {\partial t} \approx \frac{ T(t + \Delta t, x, y) - T(t, x, y) } { \Delta t } $$ $$ \nabla T \approx ( \frac{ T(t, x + \Delta x, y) - T(t, x, y) } { \Delta x }, \frac{ T(t, x, y + \Delta y) - T(t, x, y) } { \Delta y } ) $$ $$ \nabla^2 T \approx \frac{ T(t, x + 2\Delta x, y) + T(t, x, y) - 2T(t, x + \Delta x, y) } { (\Delta x)^2 } + \frac{ T(t, x, y + 2\Delta y) + T(t, x, y) - 2T(t, x, y + \Delta y) } { (\Delta y)^2 } $$ $$ x \rightarrow x - \Delta x; y \rightarrow y - \Delta y; $$ $$ \implies \nabla^2 T \approx \frac{ T(t, x + \Delta x, y) + T(t, x - \Delta x, y) - 2T(t, x, y) } { (\Delta x)^2 } + \frac{ T(t, x, y + \Delta y) + T(t, x, y - \Delta y) - 2T(t, x, y) } { (\Delta y)^2 } $$ $$ \frac{\partial T} {\partial t} = \frac{k}{C} \nabla^2 T $$ $$ \frac{ T(t + \Delta t, x, y) - T(t, x, y) } { \Delta t } = \frac{k}{C} ( \frac{ T(t, x + \Delta x, y) + T(t, x - \Delta x, y) - 2T(t, x, y) } { (\Delta x)^2 } + \frac{ T(t, x, y + \Delta y) + T(t, x, y - \Delta y) - 2T(t, x, y) } { (\Delta y)^2 } ) $$ Here we have used the symmetric definition of the 2nd derivative, since it will be easier to code later. Here we now use two tricks to simplify, we substitute \( \Delta t = 1 \) and \( \Delta x = \Delta y = 1 \). We also define \( \frac{k}{C} = \alpha \). The reason we are able to do this is hidden in the behaviour of error of our numerical solution, which we will discuss very soon. Rearranging the terms in this equation we get our final expression: $$ T(t + \Delta t, x, y) = T(t, x, y) + \alpha ( T(t, x + \Delta x, y) + T(t, x - \Delta x, y) + T(t, x, y + \Delta y) + T(t, x, y - \Delta y) - 4T(t, x, y) ) $$ This is the numerical solution to our system. Here we have exactly one parameter \( \alpha \), which is constrained by the relation \( \alpha \leq \frac{1}{4} \). To understand why this is the case, we have to look at the stability of our numerical simulation. A similar analysis for one space dimension is done here. By applying a similar technique of Von Neumann stability analysis, we obtain the relation \( \alpha \leq \frac{1}{4} \).

The Programming of it: Discretizing the system

Now let us use Python with Numpy and MatPlotLib to visualize our efforts. First we declare our temperature field, the playground where the magic will happen as a three dimensional array: \( T(t, x, y) \equiv T[time, i, j] \) We arbitrarily choose the size of our square to be \( 50 \times 50 \) units, and choose simulate the whole thing for 1000 units of time.

                import numpy as np
                import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                import matplotlib.animation as animation
                alpha = 0.2499 
                resolution_x, resolution_y = 50, 50 
                max_time = 1000
                T = np.zeros((max_time + 1, resolution_x, resolution_y))

We have to add 1 to the first index because we will need it for the last time unit of the simulation. Next we declare a function for setting the boundary conditions. The first part is setting two sides to a high temperature of 100. This side has \( x = 0 \) and for all \( y, time \) values. The second line has the bottom side, for which \( y = 0 \) and for all \( x, time \) values. The last line sets a third side of the square with \( y = maxY \) to a low temperature of 0. We need this temperature difference for the simulation.

                def apply_boundary_conditions(maxX, maxY):
                    global T
                    T[:, 0, :] = 100.0
                    T[:, :, 0] = 100.0
                    T[:, :, maxY] = 0.0        

Next we declare a function to take the \( T \) field at time index and calculate it for the next time step using our solution:

                def iterate(time):
                    global T, alpha

                    for i in range(1, resolution_x-1):
                        for j in range(1, resolution_y-1):
                            T_txy = T[time][i][j]
                            T_x_sum = T[time][i+1][j] + T[time][i-1][j]
                            T_y_sum = T[time][i][j+1] + T[time][i][j-1]
                            T[time+1][i][j] = T_txy + alpha * ( T_x_sum - 4*T_txy + T_y_sum )

                    return T[time + 1]

Next we write a function to draw our plot for \(i\)th step:

                def animate(i):
                    global plot
                    result = iterate(i)
                    for c in plot.collections:
                    plt.title("Frame = %i " % i)
                    plot = plt.contourf(result, 50)
                    return plot

Finally, we set the boundary conditions, plot the temperature for \( time = 0 \) and call animation.FuncAnimation which will animate all the frames.

                apply_boundary_conditions(resolution_x - 1, resolution_y - 1)

                fig = plt.figure()
                plot = plt.contourf(T[0], 50)

                anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=max_time, repeat=True)


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